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公司名称: Hi-Target Survey Instrument Co., Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 1999 
注册资金: 1000万 - 5000万 
员工数量: 501 - 1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: GPS Surveying Instrument
GIS Data Collector
公司简介: Hi-Target has been committed to innovation in GNSS since 1999. To date, we have established a first-class GNSS simulation laboratory, research and development center, in addition to four own workshops. With excellent hardware facilities, senior engineers and well-trained technicians, we can design and manufacture different types of GNSS products and GIS data collectors as well as GIS surveyors, and more. Striving to maintain our technology leader ship, our dedicated staff continually researches and develops new products. As a result, we introduce more than 20 newly-developed products to the market each year. No matter how complex the design or challenge you are facing, you can always rely on us to help you solve it.

Hi-Target Survey Instrument Co., Ltd / 广东 / 10 th Floor, Chuangxin Building, Tian’an Technology Zone, N0.555 (511400) / 电话:020-22883917

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